所有雨水渠工程必须达到或超过BWSC的标准要求. BWSC保留决定在建筑翻新期间是否解决排水问题的权利. 场地规划审查项目在波士顿市少于100个项目,000平方英尺的建筑面积 are required to infiltrate a volume of runoff equal to one inch of rainfall times the total impervious area on site prior to discharge to a storm drain or a combined sewer system. 所有在100或以上的项目,000平方英尺的建筑面积, 该项目必须使用等于1的径流量.25英寸的降雨量乘以现场不透水的总面积.
链式盆地被认为是较差的工程实践. 它们不允许以公共或私人方式开放给公众旅行. 如果连锁盆地要建在私有财产上, 在连接到BWSC设施之前的最后一个盆必须是BWSC标准的带集油器出口的集油盆.
当街道上有单独的雨水渠时, 场地的雨水渠必须与雨水渠相连. 当街道上有一个联合下水道时, the site's sewer and storm drain infrastructure must leave the property in separate pipes and then connect to the combined sewer via a wye connection once in the public right of way.
连接细节, 如果它不是在排水管上的现有管道分支上进行的, 必须在计划上显示吗. 与粘土的连接, 聚氯乙烯, 混凝土, and iron pipes will be made using an approved coring machine and mechanical device or the cutting in of an approved gasket and saddle.
最小间距为每英尺1/8英寸用于建筑雨排水连接. 建筑物连接处应铺设至少3/4英寸的碎石,至少达到管道直径的一半.
A cleanout on the portion of the building storm drain on the owner's property at the property line is required where a building is set back from the property line. 还必须在渗透系统的下游端提供清洗或通道结构.
减少 & 帽
所有废弃的现有雨水渠服务必须在街道上的主要管道切断和封盖. 所有此类工作必须由持牌承包商进行.
BWSC有权检查建筑物的卫生下水道, 建筑雨水渠, 以及其他私人下水道, 集油器, oil-particle分隔符, 及其他附属污水及雨水排放系统的设备. 检查点必须在工地平面图上标明,并由BWSC检查员签字批准.
对于波士顿市的所有重建/建设项目,必须在现场保留雨水. A volume of runoff equal to one inch of rainfall times the total impervious area on site must be infiltrated prior to discharge to a storm drain or a combined sewer system for projects less than 100,000平方英尺的建筑面积. 所有在100或以上的项目,000平方英尺的建筑面积, 该项目必须使用等于1的径流量.25英寸的降雨量乘以现场不透水的总面积. BWSC将在石材区域内接受30%的空隙率. Must provide soil borings and/or test pits conducted by a Registered Professional Engineer or Registered Sanitarian to determine the infiltration rate of the soil on site. 施工前及施工后的排水分析必须按照 马萨诸塞州雨水手册 (p. 68). 需要对径流进行排水计算,包括暴雨频率, 浓缩时间, 最大径流量, 涉及2个以上工程的总水量,500平方英尺的不透水表面. 资料,包括NOAA Atlas 14降水频率,可在 降水频率数据服务器 网站. 渗透 rates will also be used in sizing calculations for 绿色基建/低影响发展(GI/LID) infiltration practices to treat storm water runoff.
GI/LID practices that utilize infiltration are necessary in order to meet the water quality requirements outlined in the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the Charles River and the BWSC Consent Decree. Information about GI/LID infiltration practices can be found in BWSC's 雨水最佳管理措施: Guidance Document and GI/LID 标准的细节 can be found in the 马萨诸塞州雨水手册. 任何带有渗透系统和/或附加集水池的项目还必须包括操作和维护(O)&M)计划与他们的场地规划材料.
- 雨水管理系统的业主
- 负责操作和维护的一方或多方
- 检查和维修计划
- 所需的维护任务列表
在BWSC的指示下,申请人必须以电子方式下载BWSC 绿色基础设施工作表,这是一个基于excel的模板. 申请人必须完整填写工作表,并通过导航到登录页面将其上传到BWSC, 输入分配的项目编号, 上传工作表. 在项目完成时, 申请人必须上传最新的绿色基础设施工作表,提供所有已建成的条件.
马萨诸塞州环境保护部(MassDEP)正在追踪所有新的渗透系统, 目前称为地下注水井, 在马萨诸塞州. Site plan review applicants are required to fill out one of two forms: a form for 2 - 4 unit residences or a form for all other types of properties (single family homes are exempt and do not require a form). 申请必须提交给MassDEP批准. 一旦申请被批准,MassDEP将分配一个UIC号码. 然后申请人必须向BWSC提交UIC号码. 在收到UIC号码之前,场地计划将不会获得BWSC的批准.
Article 32 of the City of Boston Zoning Code establishes a 地下水涵养覆盖区 in parts of the City to protect the wood pile foundations of buildings from being damaged by receding groundwater levels. The purpose of the GCOD is to ensure that construction projects do not cause reductions in groundwater levels on the construction site or adjacent lots. GI/LID designed for site plan review projects within the GCOD may not utilize an underdrain or be designed for stormwater capture and reuse. 项目 within the GCOD are required to recharge stormwater into the ground to help to raise the level of groundwater to a safe level.
渗透 & 减少流入协议书 & 理解
环境保护部(DEP), Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) and its member communities implement a coordinated approach to flow control in the regional wastewater system, 特别是去除系统中多余的清洁水. 2014年4月, 马萨诸塞州环境保护部(MassDEP)颁布了有关废水的新法规. BWSC has a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit for its combined sewer overflows and is subject to these regulations 314 CMR 12.00,第12节.04(2)(d).
本部分要求所有设计流量超过15的新下水道连接,000 gallons per day (gpd) to mitigate the impacts of the development by removing four gallons of infiltration and inflow (I/I) for each new gallon gpd of wastewater flow. 在这方面, 任何超过15的新连接或现有连接的扩展,000 gpd of wastewater shall assist in the I/I reduction effort to ensure that the additional wastewater flows are offset by the removal of I/I. I/I去除率与新增废水流量的最小比例为4:1. BWSC支持该政策,并将要求支持者制定一致的减少流入计划. The 4:1 requirement should be finalized at least 90 days prior to activation of water service and will be based on the estimated sewage generation provided on the project site plan.
新的下水道连接,增加的估计下水道流量大于或等于15,,以清除相应数量的渗入/流入,或提交4:1的渗入比例 & 减少流入遵守协议书 & 说明业主有意支付费用的谅解书.
当室外停车场和铺砌区域大于等于7时,规划面积500平方英尺, 排放管道必须安装颗粒分离器. 所使用的分离器类型将取决于所服务的排水区域. 用于雨水渠分离器, 排放必须直接进入雨水/联合系统, 或者湿地,如果批准的话. 指引及标准详情由BWSC提供.
建筑工地作业造成一英亩或以上土地干扰者, 或者是一英亩或更多的计划干扰的一部分, an 环境al Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and a Construction General Permit (CGP) must be obtained from EPA. To obtain these permits developers or owners need to prepare a 雨水 Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the EPA. NOI可以通过电子方式提交给EPA.
提交NOI证明SWPPP已经准备好,并将在开始建筑活动之前实施. swppp必须解决查尔斯河的磷TMDL问题. 有关准备SWPPP的信息可以在EPA的网站上找到.
在收到EPA NOI跟踪号码和SWPPP计划之前,场地计划将不会获得BWSC的批准(PDF格式). Erosion and Sediment control plans that comply with the Massachusetts 雨水 Policy must also be submitted for review by BWSC before site plans will be approved.
地盘图则获批准后, 发展商必须将建筑活动的开始日期通知BWSC. All NPDES CGP sites will be inspected by BWSC within eight weeks of the start of construction and periodically until the end of the job under the 雨水 Construction 检查 and Enforcement Program. During construction SWPPP operators will comply with BWSC's Construction Site 检查 and Enforcement Program in maintaining their SWPPPs and conducting their own inspections and keeping inspection logs, 根据CGP的要求.
每周检查报告需要通过电子邮件发送到BWSC (电子邮件保护) 按月计算.
Sites found not in compliance with their NPDES permits by the BWSC may be subject to BWSC and ISD enforcement measures including stop work orders and fines from BWSC's Regulations Regarding the use of Sanitary and Combined Sewers and Storm Drains. 此外,未能获得NPDES CGP可能导致EPA罚款37,500美元.适用的建筑地盘每日收费00元.